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Zima Creason

Union-backed candidates lost all school board races in Citrus Heights. What happened?

By Sara Beth Williams– Three of the four school board candidates backed by the San Juan Teachers Association lost in their bids to win or keep their seats on the San Juan Unified School District’s governing board in…

School Board: Who’s running in San Juan Unified School District?

By Phillip Pesola– Ten candidates are running for four seats on the San Juan Unified School District Board of Education in the Nov. 8, 2022, election. Trustee areas three, five, six, and seven are up for election, with…

Citrus Heights, school board

San Juan school board candidates address problems with Citrus Heights schools

Sentinel staff report– Citrus Heights has long been criticized for having under-performing schools operated by the San Juan Unified School District, which has City leaders concerned that young families won’t be attracted to move to the area and…