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Jim Monteton

Sylvan Cemetery celebrates its 160th birthday

By Mike Hazlip— September marks 160 years since the first burial took place at Sylvan Cemetery on Sept. 4, 1862, hailing back to a time when early settlers were establishing farms in the area.

Annual 9/11 memorial event to be held in Citrus Heights

Sentinel staff report– A memorial ceremony to honor those who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001, will be held at Sylvan Cemetery this Saturday.

Veterans group holds flag burning in Citrus Heights to retire old flags

It may sound strange to some, but the preferred way to retire Old Glory when it gets too old and worn is by burning, according to the United States Flag Code.

Memorial Day ceremony to be held at Sylvan Cemetery in Citrus Heights

Guest article by Jim Monteton– Memorial Day will be celebrated on May 31, this year. Memorial Day, not to be confused with Veterans Day, is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in…

Letters to the Editor

LETTER: I was hospitalized with COVID-19. I still have questions

By Jim Monteton, Citrus Heights– A lot of talk about counties and what color they are this week. Then we hear a lot about hospital’s and their capacities — not which counties or which hospitals.

Veterans Day, Citrus Heights

Annual Veterans Day ceremony to be held in Citrus Heights

Sylvan Cemetery will host its annual Veterans Day ceremony on Wednesday, Nov. 11, at 11 a.m.

Guest Opinion: A pandemic is the worst time imaginable for Citrus Heights to raise taxes

In the November election, Citrus Heights residents will be tasked with voting on Measure M, a proposed sales tax increase that, if passed, will take in millions of dollars every single year with no roadmap for where the…

American flags. Photo credit: Luke Otterstad

Annual 9/11 memorial event to be held in Citrus Heights

A memorial ceremony to honor those who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001, will be held at Sylvan Cemetery this Friday.

Opponents mobilize to fight Measure M sales tax proposal in Citrus Heights

Opponents of a $12 million sales tax increase in Citrus Heights are beginning to mobilize to defeat the measure in November.

Veterans Day, Citrus Heights

Sylvan Cemetery planning to hold modified Memorial Day ceremony this year

Sentinel staff report–Sylvan Cemetery in Citrus Heights is proceeding with plans for its annual Memorial Day ceremony this year, although some modifications will be implemented in light of the COVID-19 health pandemic. “We are still going to have…