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Citrus Heights PD secures $129k grant for DUI, safety enforcement

By Lily Tu–
The Citrus Heights City Council last month unanimously approved receiving a $129,065 grant through a state agency for police DUI enforcement.

The funding will support efforts against impaired driving, including a DUI Enforcement and Awareness Program, according to an Oct. 26 City Council staff report.

Police officers will conduct DUI and drivers license checkpoints, saturation patrols, distracted driving enforcement, and enforcement operations related to motorcyclist, pedestrian, and bicyclist safety. The report says the grant will also support officer DUI training and public education on impaired driving.

The report also notes Citrus Heights has had “many issues with DUI related incidents,” citing drugs and alcohol as primary collision factors. According to the document, increased funding to support implemented objectives will help reduce drunk or drugged driving in the city.

The grant money comes from the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program administered by the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS). Costs incurred within grant guidelines will be reimbursed by the OTS and will have no fiscal impact on the General Fund, according to the staff report..

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