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The Civic Minute: What’s happening at Citrus Heights City Hall?

Citrus Heights City Council members will meet Thursday evening to hear an update from police on the city’s Red Light Camera program, as well as consider formal acceptance of a $2.75 million grant for combating organized retail theft and vote on whether to approve a $200,000 contract related to the plan to redevelop Sunrise Mall.

The council’s Nov. 9th meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at City Hall, located at 6360 Fountain Square Drive. A summary of what’s on the 39-page agenda is included below.


  • Proclamation honoring the Mesa Verde High School Girls Flag Football Team
  • Proclamation recognizing Nov. 14, 2023 as “National Police Records And Support Personnel Appreciation Day”
  • REACH presentation recognizing Good Neighbor Day Award Recipient

Board appointment. The council will consider a staff recommendation to reappoint Councilmember Jayna Karpinski-Costa to the Sacramento Yolo Mosquito And Vector Control District Board for a term of two or four years. An alternative option listed would be to advertise the vacancy and accept applications for appointment.

Panhandling. Routine second reading to repeal a prohibition against intrusive and unsafe panhandling, based on staff recommendation to avoid potential lawsuits. The council voted 4-0 last month to repeal the ordinance, with plans to consider a new ordinance in December.

Police funding. The council will consider formal acceptance of a $540,000 grant for the 2023 COPS Technology and Equipment Program Funding, which is designed to fund projects that “improve effectiveness and the flow of information among law enforcement agencies,” according to a staff report. The council will also formally consider acceptance of a $25,000 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant.

Retail Theft Grant. The council will consider formal acceptance of a $2.75 million grant to the Citrus Heights Police Department for Organized Retail Theft Prevention Grant Program Funding. According to a staff report, funds will “be used to supplement existing technology resources and personnel resources related to identifying, communicating, and solving regional criminal enterprises moving through jurisdictional boundaries which often slows down investigative collaboration.” A new part-time detective position focused on investigating organized retail theft in the city will also be funded by the grant.

Sunrise Mall. A staff recommendation to contract with Mackay & Somps Engineers, Inc., to provide on-call supportive engineering work related to the Sunrise Tomorrow Specific Plan, for a maximum amount of $200,000.

Red Light Camera Program Update. An update from police will be presented to the council with an evaluation of the city’s Red Light Camera program, in line with a Strategic Plan objective set by the City Council earlier this year.

Those wishing to make a public comment during the meeting can do so by attending the council meeting on Nov. 9 at City Hall, or by submitting a written comment beforehand using the city’s website. The deadline to submit comments online is 4 p.m. on the day of the meeting. See full agenda packet online: click here.

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