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Sunrise Mall to welcome new retail store in November

Owner Mohammad Nazary stands inside Aria Furniture, which is slated to open in November at Sunrise Mall. // M. Hazlip

By Mike Hazlip—
A new furniture store is set to open at Sunrise Mall and the owner says he is optimistic about the mall’s future.

Mohammad Nazary is getting ready to open Aria Furniture in the suite formerly occupied by Express clothing store. Aria Furniture will be the second business owned by the Nazary family at the mall with wife Dyana Nazary owning M&M Culture.

Nazary has not set an official opening date, but hopes to start serving customers in early November. The business will offer a selection of medium priced furniture as well as high-end items, he said.

After operating a store at Galleria, Nazary said the rent at Sunrise Mall is more affordable and he is doing what he can to help fill vacancies at the aging retail center by inviting others he knows to open stores such as MB Fashion and T&Z Toys.

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