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LETTER: Kudos to City Council for blocking housing project

A prior site map shows where 95 homes were proposed to be built at Sylvan Corners. The final number was reduced to 94, but denied by the City Council earlier in October.

By Mark Mitchell, Citrus Heights–
[RE: Stunned by council’s vote against 94-home project; Guest opinion, Oct. 21st]  I myself was stunned too when I saw the Sylvan Corners subdivision being voted down by 3 out of 5 council members. (Thank you Mayor Schaefer, Vice Mayor Daniels, and Councilwoman Karpinski-Costa)

The writer of the guest opinion that ran on Sunday, a semi-professional General Planning expert, with 12 years experience, may have approved a similar, Cluster Housing Project, at 5555 Mariposa Ave. back in December 2006.

The Willow Creek Racquet Club was spread over seven acres, on two parcels, in a residential neighborhood. With greedy developers lurking, the Planning Department recommended to the Planning Commission for the City Council to adopt an amendment to change the zoning from “Commercial Recreation/RD-5” to a “Special Planning Area”, which would have consisted of 56 single-family homes, with an option for a 3rd floor bonus room.

This was all in the name of the “General Plan” for the City! Luckily there were a few members of the City Council, with help through appeals by the Birdcage Heights Neighborhood Association, to vote this proposal down. They still approved 46 homes. (Thanks for Nothing)

So here we go again!! Natalee Price, a big THANK YOU goes out to you, she’s the only member of the current Planning Commission to vote NO. (In my opinion, she should be on our City Council)

Stay safe,
Mark Mitchell

Editor’s note: The Sentinel welcomes guest opinions of any viewpoint. To submit a letter to the editor or opinion column for publication, click here

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