Latest letters from Sentinel readers include comments regarding the City Council’s 3-2 vote against a housing development proposed at Sylvan Corners, as well as a response to a guest opinion column on mandating EV charging stations.
Every corner of town doesn’t need a building on it
[RE: City Council votes 3-2 against plan for 94 homes at Sylvan Corners; Oct. 15th] I’ve lived in Citrus Heights for 54 years and just moved 9 years ago into the neighborhood behind where this house development would of been, and I’m against it too. That’s not a good location for houses, especially low income houses. With the school right there we should be building something that supports the whole community, not just 93 people who my live at that corner.
I raised my children in Citrus Heights, and Citrus Heights needs to clean up what is already here before building more. The Sunrise Mall is darn near a ghost town, we have empty store fronts around town homeless all over. The city needs to fix what’s broken first. Every corner in this town doesn’t need building on it.
The San Juan School District should of kept that land and made a parking lot for Sylvan Middle School and maybe something to help all these kids running on their own after school, like a Rec Center. The youth center that’s on Sayonara was a good idea back in the day, but a horrible location. We all knew and know what type of neighborhood Sayonara is; painting building didn’t change that neighborhood. Clean up what is here first. Get these out of town developers out of town. Use local contractors and start fixing the problem.
-Joy Velis, Citrus Heights
Mandating EV chargers won’t be necessary
[RE: Citrus Heights should mandate more EV charging stations; Guest Opinion, Oct. 13th] SMUD offers $79 (after rebate) EV chargers for your garage, I’m not particularly worried about fighting over charging stations if I’m just going back and forth to work and the monthly jaunt to Tahoe or San Francisco. Long lines at gas stations are caused by the average driver not having a gasoline pump in his garage, while in the future we will all have EV chargers in the garage to charge overnight. But I agree with you we will need more charging stations and you will see Shell, Chevron and Arco stations making room for EV chargers. I’ve already seen a few gas stations in Roseville with EV chargers.
–Rick Garvin, Elverta
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