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News Briefs: Mavericks wins home game, State of City, accountability

Mavericks held their first pair of home games at the new Mesa Verde High School stadium on Oct. 13, 2023. // M. Hazlip

Latest local news briefs include the Mavericks winning their first home game at the new Mesa Verde High School stadium on Friday night, the mayor proposing support for a new ballot initiative, and a State of the City address to be held on Thursday.

Mavericks win first home game at new stadium
The Mesa Verde Mavericks celebrated a 20-6 win versus Rio Linda High School on Friday night, with the school hosting the homecoming game at the new MVHS stadium.

State of the City address set for Oct. 19
Citrus Heights Mayor Tim Schaefer and City Manager Ash Feeney will present the annual State of the City address on Thursday, Oct. 19, at City Hall. The event will be from 6:30-7:30 p.m. (See more)

Mayor proposes council support ‘Taxpayer Protection’ ballot initiative
Citrus Heights Mayor Tim Schaefer proposed the council take up future consideration of a resolution to support the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act, an initiative that has qualified for the November 2024 ballot. The initiative seeks to require all new taxes passed by the legislature to also be approved by voters and would also require two-thirds voter approval for any new local special tax increases, among other changes. Schaefer’s motion was supported by Vice Mayor Bret Daniels and Councilwoman Jayna Karpinski-Costa, meaning a formal resolution will be considered during the council’s Oct. 26 meeting.

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