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Fencing, landscaping project completed at Holy Family Catholic Church

New fencing and landscaping can be seen outside Holy Family Catholic Church at 7817 Old Auburn Rd. // CH Sentinel

By Mike Hazlip—
Drivers traveling along Old Auburn Road can now see new landscaping, security fencing and ADA access improvements, after a months-long project at Holy Family Catholic Church has concluded.

Initially started in June of 2022, the fencing in front of the church is designed to deter vandalism while maintaining access to the facility, according to a previous report by The Sentinel.

Church member Irene Hronicek, who serves as board chair for the Citrus Heights Homeless Assistance Resource Team, said the project brings greater ADA access at the facility and improves pedestrian safety.

“It’s safer overall and people are able to gather out front better and it’s nicer,” Hronicek said.

Deacon Mark Holt told The Sentinel in a prior interview that concerns over vandalism and the safety of staff and parishioners initially prompted the project. He said the decision to install a fence was a difficult one for the church that involved “a lot of discussion.”

He called installing the fence a last resort to protect the congregation and property from further vandalism.

Holy Family Catholic Church was vandalized in August of 2020, according to The Sentinel. A left-facing swastika was spray-painted on a Ten Commandments monument and a statue of Mary was damaged in the incident.

A statement issued by the church just after the incident called for calm.

“We cannot change the fact this has happened,” the statement said. “We can, however, choose how we respond to this. It is an opportunity for prayer and forgiveness rather than frustration and anger.”

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