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How much rent is at those new low-income apartments in Citrus Heights?

Sunrise Pointe is located at 7424 Sunrise Blvd., in Citrus Heights. // Josiah Otterstad

By Mike Hazlip—
Sunrise Pointe, which opened on Sunrise Boulevard near Oak Avenue this summer, is accepting tenants with varying rents calculated based on income as a percentage of the median income.

Asked what rental rates tenants are paying, Irvine-based developer Jamboree Housing Director of Marketing and Communications Marissa Feliciano told The Sentinel that rent varies for each of 46 low income units. Month-to-month rent is calculated based on income and apartment size and can range between $200 and $890 per month, she said.

Feliciano said households that earn between 30 percent and 50 percent of the area median income can qualify to become tenants. Applications are through the John Stewart Company, which manages Sunrise Pointe.

The community has a total of 47 units, with 46 of those designated for low income individuals and families. One unit is fair market rent, for the on-site, live-in manager.

Sunrise Pointe is a cooperative effort between Sacramento based housing assistance organization Hope Cooperative and Jamboree Housing. Amenities include a community room and kitchen, an after school program, outdoor BBQ and picnic areas, and a playground. There is also a laundry facility at the site.

The supportive housing project combines housing and mental health assistance, along with assistance for residents in job training and household budgeting.

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