Citrus Heights City Council members will meet this Thursday to hear an update from the Police Department on feral rabbits near Sylvan Oaks Library, as well as hold several public hearings and approve a pair of expenditures totaling more than $100,000.
The council’s July 27 meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at City Hall, located at 6360 Fountain Square Drive. A summary of what’s on the 159-page agenda is included below.
Public Hearings. The council will hold several public hearings related to fees for various lighting and maintenance assessment district’s in the city. Assessment districts are areas with special fees tacked on to property taxes for certain parcels in the city to cover specific maintenance of areas associated with those parcels. Some of the districts have negative budgets, lacking funds to pay for maintenance.
$35k Funding. The council will consider a staff recommendation to approve $35,547 from the city’s Economic Development Support Fund to go towards a one-year sponsorship of the Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC), which is a regional economic development organization the city has been a member of since 2015. A staff report says the sponsorship would provide the city with continued access to research staff and databases. Staff said the city is also expected to work “even more closely” with GSEC to help attract developers to redevelop Sunrise Mall.
Related: What is the Greater Sacramento Economic Council?
$76k Program. The City Council will consider a staff recommendation to continue funding for the Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership, which manages regional stormwater-related activities and programs. Citrus Heights is one of seven agencies part of the partnership, with the city providing its share of $76,637 based on population size.
Rabbits. The Police Department is slated to provide a staff report with an update on the feral rabbits at Crosswoods Community Park, near Sylvan Oaks Library.
Those wishing to make a public comment during the meeting can do so by attending the council meeting at 6 p.m. on July 27, or by submitting a written comment beforehand using the city’s website.
To see the full agenda packet, click here.