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LETTER: Why weren’t more citations issued for illegal fireworks?

Letter by Kay Davis, Citrus Heights–
I reviewed the police log for July 4th. There were many, many calls for illegal fireworks. However only ONE citation was written. Can someone, somewhere explain what we need to do to get more citations written to these knuckleheads that insist on causing so much frustration, aggravation, stress to so many veterans, animals and small children.

I for one am so fed up! Will it take me buying a drone and filming these people? I have video from my neighbor who thought my house was on fire. No, it was the idiots behind me setting off illegal fireworks.

*Editor’s note: The Sentinel’s policy is to publish all letters received, regardless of viewpoint. No other letters on this topic were received as of July 22, 2023. The Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor of 100-250 words in length. To submit one online, click here.

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