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SJUSD to host July 21 workshop for potential school board candidates

San Juan Unified School District’s new 7-member trustee area map, for 2022. // SJUSD

Sentinel staff report–
The San Juan Unified School District will host an informational session at 6 p.m. this Friday for residents interested in running for the school board seat left by the late Steve Miller, who passed away earlier this year.

A special election will be held in November to fill the vacancy, with registered voters who live within the Area 7 boundaries qualifying to run for the open seat. Area 7 largely covers Citrus Heights, except for several portions of the city south of Greenback Lane and east of Mariposa Avenue.

The July 21 information session will be held in-person, with advance registration required to participate, according to the district’s website. Registration can be made at:

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