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Citrus Heights News Briefs: homeless count, murder suspect, $5k grant

Latest local news briefs include Citrus Heights police resuming a count of homeless individuals, a murder suspect arrested locally now tied to multiple carjackings, and a $5,000 grant awarded to a local performing arts group.

Citrus Heights Police resume annual homeless count
An annual count of homeless individuals in Citrus Heights that was paused during the pandemic is currently underway, with the count estimated to take about two weeks to complete. Citrus Heights Police Chief Alex Turcotte confirmed the information in May 24 email response to Alfred Sanchez, an area advocate for the homeless. Turcotte said the annual count helps to determine funding and other services.

Murder suspect arrested in Citrus Heights could be tied to carjackings
The Mercury News reported Thursday that 21-year-old Malachi Cox, who was arrested in Citrus Heights this month on murder charges, is now being investigated for a possible connection to at least eight carjackings and other robberies in the Bay Area. Police have said the carjackings involved boxing in vehicles and then forcing drivers out at gunpoint. (See Mercury New)

City Council awards $5k grant to Royal Stage
The Citrus Heights City Council on Thursday unanimously approved a $5,000 History & Arts grant for Royal Stage, a performing arts group that opened inside Sunrise Mall last year. Funds are slated to go to support the arts in Citrus Heights and will nearly double the organization’s scholarships to local residents.

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