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Sylvan Cemetery to host Memorial Day ceremony on Monday

Sentinel staff report–
Sylvan Cemetery will again host a Memorial Day ceremony this year on Monday, May 29.

According to an announcement, the ceremony will be held from 11 a.m. to noon at the cemetery’s gazebo. The Folsom Harmony Express choir will be part of the event as in prior years, but there will no longer be a march through the cemetery.

Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day, traces its history back to 1868 where it commemorated soldiers who died during the Civil War.

According to Sylvan Cemetery spokesman Jim Monteton, the original day was a time to decorate the graves of the fallen, and the end of May “seemed to be appropriate since many spring flowers are available.” Memorial Day was later extended to honor all Americans who have died in all wars.

Sylvan Cemetery is located at 7401 Auburn Blvd.

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