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The Civic Minute: What’s happening at Citrus Heights City Hall?

Citrus Heights council members will meet Thursday to vote on whether to approve a $20,000 grant request to fund more public murals, consider a $60,000 contract, and provide feedback on the city’s upcoming budget.

The May 11 meeting will begin at 6 p.m. with four proclamations, declaring the Month of May as “Building Safety Month” and May 12 as “Provider Appreciation Day.” The week of May 14-20 will also be declared “National Police Week”, and the following week “National Public Works Week.”

Zoning Code Update. The council will consider approving amendments to the city’s zoning code that address housing, parking and food trucks. The changes were previously reviewed by the city’s Planning Commission in February.

$20k Grant Request. The council will consider approving a $20,000 Economic Development Support Grant requested by the Sunrise MarketPlace Property-based Business Improvement District for the purpose of funding additional public murals in the district. SMP’s application cites an estimated cost of $10-20,000 per mural, with business district chipping in $10,000 and property owner funds contributing another $20,000.

Budget update. The council will receive and provide feedback on a preliminary operating budget and capital improvement plan for the upcoming two fiscal years.

$60k contract. The council will consider awarding a $60,000 contract to Townsend Public Affairs for the creation of a “comprehensive grants strategy” along with one year of implementation support. Funds would come from the city’s roughly $4.5 million remaining American Rescue Plan Act funds.

Public comments for the council meeting can be submitted to, with up to 250 words, or emailed directly to the City Council as a whole at Comments sent to the clerk will be read aloud during the meeting.

The council’s May 11, 2023, meeting agenda packet can be viewed in full online. The City Clerk on Tuesday confirmed that meetings no longer have the option of remote participation, but residents may still stream the meetings live via Youtube.

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