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Citrus Heights News Briefs: schools, Sayonara, business, shoplifting

Latest local news briefs include outcomes on four significant or controversial votes held by the Citrus Heights City Council on March 23. Votes related to housing on Sayonara Drive, $1 million in business attraction funding, support for SB 316, and a vote to form an education advisory committee.

City Council debates forming education committee
The Citrus Heights City Council, during a nearly hour-long public discussion on March 23, voted to direct staff to form an advisory committee to look into the feasibility of forming a new school district in Citrus Heights. The vote was 3-2, with council members Porsche Middleton and Jayna Karpinski-Costa opposing the committee as framed. (See full report in The Sentinel’s upcoming March 30 Midweek Edition)

City Council votes 5-0 for Sayonara housing plan
During the council’s March 23 meeting, city leaders voted unanimously to authorize an agreement with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento related to the non-profit’s plan to build 26 housing units to replace blighted housing units that were demolished over a decade ago. The homes are intended to be sold to low-income families who qualify for Habitat’s affordable ownership program.

Council approves up to $1M in ARPA funds for business attraction
The council voted 5-0 on Thursday to approve up to $1 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding to “help identify, attract and invest in new businesses in target industries.” Such industries are listed as local restaurants, breweries and craft beverage businesses, entertainment and businesses that provide “unique or underrepresented services/goods.”

City Council votes 4-1 to support “serial theft” bill
Citrus Heights council members on Thursday voted to support a bill proposed by Senator Roger Niello, seeking to increase penalties for shoplifting. Councilwoman Porsche Middleton voted no on the motion, calling the action premature due to the current wording of the bill being likely to be amended as it makes its way through the capitol.

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