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LETTER: It’s time to address repeat dumping on Sayonara Drive

File photo, a sign posted on a vacant lot on Sayonara Drive prohibits dumping. // CH Sentinel

Letter by Timothy Jackson–
I have lived in Citrus Heights over 20 years. I have served in the community on Planning Boards and in neighborhood associations. I have never been so ashamed of the city’s actions as I have over the last year with the creation of a city dump on Sayonara near Sunrise Blvd.

Over the months, an increasing amount of trash has been illegally dumped on the street not always by residents of the apartments on Sayonara, but by others outside the area that have found a “FREE” dumping place.

The city has become a forgiving overseer and has paid to have the continual dumping cleaned up. At what cost and how long will this continue? It has gotten worse! Within a day after the cleanup has occurred, new piles appear with more sanitation issues with the material being dumped.

There has got to be a better way to deal with this. We are caring intelligent people that live in Citrus Heights. Can’t we come together and solve this unsightly sanitation issue?

*Editor’s note: The Sentinel’s policy is to publish all letters received, regardless of viewpoint. No other letters/comments on this topic were received as of March 10, 2023. The Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor up to 250 words in length. To submit one online, click here.

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