Sentinel staff report–
Citrus Heights Vice Mayor Bret Daniels, commenting on the cleanup of homeless camps near Sylvan Oaks Library, said during last week’s council meeting that residents should take full advantage of the city’s reporting tools and new response team to help clean up the city.
“I’m just going to take my opportunity here to publicly thank the city manager, the police chief, the staff for responding quickly to the issue of camps that have popped up over at the library,” said Daniels, who chaired the March 9 council meeting in the absence of Mayor Tim Schaefer. “We need our families and our citizens to be able to feel safe to go to these areas, so please, if you see that: don’t wait. Be the squeaky wheel. Call it in.”
Related: Citrus Heights promotes ‘SeeClickFix’ app to report potholes, problems
Daniels noted the city’s new Beautification Crew is on-call to handle reports of trash, debris and camp sites, but said reports from residents are needed since city staff “can’t always be the ones that are out there looking for them.”
The city manager later in the meeting showed five ways for residents to report issues:
- Phone: Calling General Services at (916) 727-4770
- Email:
- Online:
- Text: Send a message for “Service Request” to (844) 92-HELLO
- App: SeeClickFix app is available at the Apple store or Google Play
The Beautification Crew is part of Citrus Heights Cares, which is the city’s new focused campaign to address blight, vandalism and unlawful camping.
Related: Citrus Heights launches ‘Cares’ campaign to beautify city