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Citrus Heights News Briefs: ‘N-word,’ home sales, school board

Latest local news briefs include an investigation launched after a staff member reportedly used the “N-word” at San Juan High School, a report on diversity in representation on school boards, and an update on home sales in Citrus Heights.

Investigation launched into use of ‘N-word’ by SJHS staffer
ABC10 reported Friday that the San Juan Unified School district has launched an investigation into an incident at San Juan High School where a staff member reportedly said the “N-word” while telling students to not use the word. The school’s principal said in a statement to families that “”The use of the N-word or any other racial slur in any context is unacceptable.” (See full story)

Median price of Citrus Heights homes remains below $300/sq ft.
Home sales in Citrus Heights are continuing to sell at just under $300 per square foot, according to a March 1 report by The Sacramento Bee. The median price per square foot is $299 in Citrus Heights, which is $11 less than the median price in Sacramento County. The lowest median price is in Arden Arcade, at $268 per square foot. (See full story)

Report: San Juan school board mostly reflects diversity of students
A report from CapRadio on March 2 took a look at the racial makeup of school boards in the region compared with the racial makeup of student populations and found disparities in most districts — with the exception of San Juan Unified, where it found the school board “mostly tracks the makeup of the student population.” (Read full story)

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