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Citrus Heights council to address business attraction, parking, housing

Sentinel staff report–
Citrus Heights City Council members will meet on Thursday to hold a public hearing regarding a proposed ordinance to prohibit commercial vehicles from parking on public streets, as well as consider action items relating to a business attraction program and affordable housing.

The meeting is slated to begin at 6 p.m. at City Hall, preceded by a closed session at 5 p.m. A summary of what’s on the 76-page agenda packet for the Feb. 23, 2023 City Council meeting is included below.

The council will convene at 5 p.m. for a special meeting for an annual performance review of the city manager, followed by an open session beginning with recognition of retiring city employees.

Public Hearing. The council will hold a public hearing prior to taking action on a a proposal from the city’s Chief of Police to prohibit the parking of commercial vehicles on all public streets in Citrus Heights. A staff report says commercial vehicles, like semi-trucks, are already prohibited from parking on residential streets, with the proposal extending this to non-residential streets. The report cites ongoing issues near Sunrise Vista Drive, near Sunrise Rollerland, and Desimone Lane, raising concerns of blight, visibility and traffic safety.

Affordable Housing. The council will consider a staff recommendation to adopt Affordable Housing Ownership Program Guidelines. The guidelines are proposed to help assist staff oversee development projects that include affordable units and ensure updated policy reflects recent changes in housing legislation at the state level.

Business attraction program. Council members will consider a proposal to allocate $1 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds to “help identify, attract and invest in new businesses in target industries that contribute to commercial area vitality, utilize existing vacant real estate, and increase quality of life for residents, workers and visitors.” A staff report says recommended target industries are restaurants, breweries and brewpubs, as well as entertainment. Incentive packages valued over $5,000 would be brought to the City Council for public review, while smaller packages could be approved by the City Manager.

Beautification campaign. The council will consider allocating $47,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funds to go towards a “Citrus Heights Cares community beautification campaign,” which would have the tagline “Beautifying our City Together.” The campaign has a three-prong action plan to have residents report issues, maintain properties, and chip-in through volunteering. Funding will go towards branding, promotions, signage, and a citywide educational mailer.

The council will meet in open session at 6 p.m. at City Hall on Feb. 23, 2023. Public comments for the council meeting can be submitted to, with up to 250 words, or emailed directly to the City Council as a whole at

The council’s meeting agenda packet can be viewed in full online, with links for the Zoom meeting included in the packet. (click here)

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