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Citrus Heights promotes ‘SeeClickFix’ app to report potholes, problems

File photo. City crews patch a pothole on Sunrise Boulevard, near Woodmore Oaks Drive in January 2023. // M. Hazlip

Sentinel staff report–
Residents in Citrus Heights seeking to report potholes, homeless camps, street light outages, abandoned shopping carts and other non-emergency issues, can now do so on their smartphones using a “SeeClickFix” app.

Meghan Huber, the city’s economic development & community engagement director, told The Sentinel on Thursday that the app had a “soft launch” in March of last year, with a full launch in August. So far, the app shows more than 900 issues reported via the app have been resolved — often with quick response times.

Residents can download the app or go to to report a wide range of issues. Photos can be uploaded, along with a brief description.

A map of the city, viewable in the app as well as on the city’s website, shows a pothole near 7025 Auburn Blvd. that was reported on Feb. 14 was “closed” less than 24 hours later. Huber confirmed that the “closed” status meant the pothole was filled on Feb. 15, but said a “closed” status doesn’t always mean the issue has been fully resolved.

According to Huber, reasons why a request will show up as “closed” include:

  • When it’s inspected and serviced at time of inspection.
  • When a work order is being created for repair.
  • When a location is determined to be outside the city’s jurisdiction, or on private property.

Huber also said it can take up to 24 hours for the SeeClickFix system to post an automated response that the issue has been successfully received. Messages with status updates also appear after city review or action, which are viewable by members of the public.

Issues that can be reported include camp abatement, creek cleanup, illegal dumping, graffiti, litter removal, damaged sidewalks, damaged or missing street signs, flooding, downed trees, traffic signal outages, traffic concerns, and other non-emergency matters.

The SeeClickFix app is available on both Android and Apple operating systems. More information can be found on the city’s website.

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