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LETTER: Police should resume publishing logs

Editor’s note: This letter was written in response to an article published on Feb. 11th: Could Citrus Heights police logs return in 2023?

By Carol Alexander, Citrus Heights–
I for one was disappointed that the police stopped posting the logs of what was happening on a daily basis some years ago. I thought it was a valuable tool for the public to realize the hot spots of crime in the neighborhoods and be aware of being more careful and vigilant for their safety.

Many residents read these and found them valuable. Please consider going back to posting these and make it happen for those of us who want to be more aware of how to protect ourselves from these hot spots.

Other letter(s):
I am definitely in favor of publishing police logs. We hear sirens frequently and would like to know whats going on in the area, if there are any reasons for concern. -Margie Cook

*No other letters on this topic were received as of Feb. 15, 2023. The Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor up to 250 words in length. To submit one online, click here.

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