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The Civic Minute: What’s happening at Citrus Heights City Hall?

The Citrus Heights City Council will meet Thursday to consider approving a fee waiver for a community organization to use city facilities, along with issuing a proclamation recognizing Black History Month and conducting a state-mandated ethics training for elected officials.

The agenda packet for Feb. 9 is shorter than usual, with just 15 pages and three items on the agenda. Below is a summary of what’s on the agenda:

Proclamation. The council meeting will begin with a proclamation formally recognizing the month of February as Black History Month.

Fee Waiver. The council will consider approving a $2,814.24 facility fee waiver for the Residents’ Empowerment Association of Citrus Heights to use the Community Center for a potluck next month. The proposal would include waiving a $1,400 deposit as well as a 6-hour rental normally billed at $195 per hour and a $244 fee for audio-visual equipment.

REACH serves as a nonprofit umbrella organization for the city’s various neighborhood associations.

Ethics Training. City Attorney Ryan Jones and members of the council will participate in an ethics training for legislative body members, mandated by Assembly Bill 1234.

Public comments for the council meeting can be submitted to, with up to 250 words, or emailed directly to the City Council as a whole at Comments sent to the clerk will be read aloud during the meeting.

The council’s Feb. 9, 2023, meeting agenda packet can be viewed in full online, with links for the Zoom meeting included in the packet. (click here)

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