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LETTER: City should consider ‘silent fireworks’ show instead

Editor’s note: This letter was written in response to an article published Jan. 28, 2023: Citrus Heights council votes 3-2 to fund fireworks show, patriotic event

By Kim Davis, Citrus Heights–
I’m glad the City of Citrus Heights has approved bringing back the fireworks show. I’m sad because I know the stress it brings to many both people and animals due to the noise that comes along with the beautiful displays of light.

Why not do silent fireworks? This could be a win-win for everyone. My dog would not have to be tranquilized, and veterans that suffer from PTSD would not have to flee to the mountains to escape the horrific memories of war.

I dated a vet and on July 4th we were at the zoo when fireworks went off and he dropped to the ground, something I will never forget, and an understanding of the pain war continues to be relived every time fireworks start, whether it be July 4th or December 31st. Please City start a new tradition and look into silent fireworks.

*Editor’s note: The Sentinel’s policy is to publish all letters received, regardless of viewpoint. No other letters/comments on this topic were received as of Feb. 3, 2023. Prior published letters on this topic can be viewed here. The Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor up to 250 words in length. To submit one online, click here.

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