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Firefighters respond to vehicle fire in Citrus Heights

Sentinel staff report–
In a video posted to social media on Friday, Metro Fire showed a vehicle in Citrus Heights engulfed in flames with firefighters utilizing foam and hundreds of gallons of water to extinguish the blaze.

The vehicle appears to be a silver Subaru Forester, located in a parking lot. The specific location in Citrus Heights was not disclosed, but Metro Fire said the vehicle was “parked away from structures and combustibles.”

The blaze was put out with “less than 700 gallons of water and foam from the fire engines tanks,” authorities said in the social media post. No injuries were reported.

The cause of the fire was not specified.

Metro Fire recommends the following tips to drivers and passengers, if faced with a vehicle catching fire:

  • If driving, safely pull to the side of the road in a flat area that’s clear of exposures and combustibles.
  • Exit the vehicle and keep a safe distance away, preferably a few hundred feet away.
  • Call 911, and stay away from the vehicle until first responders arrive.
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