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Citrus Heights Letters: Fireworks, homeless, library

Editor’s note: This letter was written regarding an article about homelessness at Sylvan Oaks Library. For context, see story: Sylvan Oaks Library criticized for response to homelessness, camping

By Barbara L. Babcock, Citrus Heights–
My daughter is one of the homeless people that often stays at the Sylvan Library. She has an addiction, which contributes to a mental illness and Multiple Sclerosis which she is not getting treatment for.

I have tried to get her to go to recovery, but she won’t. I am grateful there were places she could stay out of the rain, kind of. Unfortunately, she has been doing this life so long she has forgotten how to pick up after herself and leaves her trash everywhere.

I think many of these people are choosing to live like this and have had the opportunity to get their lives together. Sure, there are some who aren’t capable, but the only way to tell is to force rehabilitation on them to see who can get their life together and who truly has physical and mental issues that need some creative solutions.

I agree you can’t tell a person they can’t have a piece of ground to lay your head down. That is not humanity. Boundaries need to be set, and if they can’t follow they need to move on.

Other Letter(s):

Let the fireworks begin
In response to Roger Klausler, July 4, 1776, is a date worth celebrating as a community, which takes precedent over each of our individual wishes and wants. That date set off the chain of events that now guarantees Mr. Klausler the right to speak out in dissent — and my right to speak out in support—of fireworks, street projects, homelessness, or whatever else is on our minds. That is, indeed, worth celebrating. Let the fireworks begin!
-Doug Thorn, Citrus Heights

*Editor’s note: The Sentinel’s policy is to publish all letters received, regardless of viewpoint. No other letters/comments on this topic were received as of Jan. 28, 2023. The Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor up to 250 words in length. To submit one online, click here.

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