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LETTER: City shouldn’t use ARPA funds for fireworks show

*Editor’s note: This letter was written in regards to an article published Jan. 23, 2023, Citrus Heights council to consider $80k proposal to bring back fireworks show.

By Linda Sue Arrowwood–
I am thoroughly against any funds used for this proposal. The pandemic relief fund or American Rescue Plan funds should be used to support the people and businesses affected by the pandemic and current impacts on infrastructure in Citrus Heights.

There are numerous ways to help people and businesses that should be considered before any entertainment funding that is not beneficial to our community.

For example… Grants for local businesses to help with expenses greatly affected by the pandemic and inflation. Assistance for our local homeless population. Maybe a port-o-potty in high traffic areas, trash service, or a hot meal once a week.

Help our senior citizens with limited incomes buy food or pay a utility bill. Fund a grant to assist our local marching band with expenses or a local nonprofit to benefit children.

At the very least, fix some potholes or help those who need to remove storm-damaged trees and debris.

We don’t need a show that will increase animal escapes and the burden to collect, house and take care of them. And the veterans in our community don’t deserve to be reminded of the horrific costs of war.

Help fund something to assist Police Department personnel, like body armor or mental health assistance for police officers and their families…

Come up with something that isn’t a frivolous party expense. $80,000 is way too much money for a 20-minute show.

Maybe poll our citizens what they think would benefit our town by using the funds as they were intended.

*No other letters on this topic were received as of Jan. 23, 2023. This letter was edited due to length going beyond 250-word limit. The Sentinel welcomes letter to the editor up to 250 words in length. To submit one online, click here.

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