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Citrus Heights council to discuss housing, annexation, fireworks

Sentinel staff report–
The Citrus Heights City Council will meet Thursday evening to hold closed-door discussions regarding several lawsuits and property negotiations, followed by open-session topics related to plans for Sayonara Drive, grant funds, infrastructure projects, an $80,000 fireworks show proposal and further consideration of expanding the city’s borders.

A summary of key items on the 133-page agenda packet for the Jan. 26 meeting of the City Council is included below. The council’s closed session meeting begins at 5 p.m. at City Hall, followed by the regular meeting at 6 p.m.

Closed session. Council members will convene in closed session to address several existing lawsuits against the city as well as discuss price and terms of payment with Woodside Homes regarding an 11-acre city-owned parcel at Sylvan Corners. Details about the lawsuits and property negotiations are not included in the agenda packet.

Sayonara Drive. The council will consider an amendment to a Permanent Local Housing Allocation Funding application, which seeks to allocate an approximate $1.87 million in state funds to go towards funding the city’s Homeless Navigator Program as well as fund costs associated with the city’s Sayonara Drive Redevelopment Project. The project seeks to construct “approximately 26 units of a variety of ownership housing” on currently vacant lots on Sayonara Drive, according to a staff report.

$810k Grant. Council members will consider approving a Prohousing Incentive Pilot grant application to provide up to $810,000 to go towards housing-related projects, with funds proposed to be used for redevelopment on Sayonara Drive.

$15k Chamber Grant. The council will consider approving a $14,848 grant request from the Citrus Heights Chamber of Commerce, with funding coming from the city’s Economic Development Support Fund. $10,000 would renew the city’s Chairman’s Circle sponsorship of the Chamber, and the remainder is requested to cover annual rent costs to host monthly Chamber luncheons at the Citrus Heights Community Center.

Annexation. The City Council will consider authorizing the city manager to move forward with seeking proposals from consultants to “evaluate the fiscal impact or benefits and community support/outreach” related to annexing four areas on the borders of Citrus Heights. For more, see prior story: City to further assess potential annexation of four areas into Citrus Heights

Fireworks Show. The council will consider approving a recommendation from the city manager to bring a professional fireworks show to the city, using up to $80,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funding. For more, see story: Citrus Heights council to consider $80k proposal to bring back fireworks show

Benefits. The council will consider approving a staff recommendation to become a member of the Public Risk Innovation, Solutions, and Management (PRISM) Joint Powers Authority to participate in PRISM’s dental benefits program. The action would save the city approximately $16,746 per year on dental premiums “with no change to coverage or plan structure,” according to a staff report.

Auburn Blvd. Council members will consider approving a $150,000 increase in a contract with Bennett Engineering Services, Inc., to provide final design engineering and right-of-way acquisition services for the second phase of the Auburn Boulevard Complete Streets Revitalization Project. A staff report says additional costs are to cover work that went “above and beyond the initial scope of work.” The total contract would rise to $1.85 million.

Drainage Plan. The council will consider approving a $38,200 increase in a contract with Dokken Engineering to provide professional engineering services related to a Drainage Master Plan in neighborhood areas 8, 9, & 10. The total contract would rise to $545,000.

Department Report. The meeting will conclude with a report from the city’s Community Development Department, which will present an overview of new state housing laws for 2023.

The council will meet in open session at 6 p.m. at City Hall on Jan. 26, 2023. Public comments for the council meeting can be submitted to, with up to 250 words, or emailed directly to the City Council as a whole at

The council’s meeting agenda packet can be viewed in full online, with links for the Zoom meeting included in the packet. (click here)

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