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New discount store opens in Citrus Heights

Patricia Wright stands outside her new Dollar n’ More store at 7601 Sunrise Blvd. // M. Hazlip

By Mike Hazlip—
A new discount store has opened in Citrus Heights, located at a shopping center near the corner of Sunrise Boulevard and Old Auburn Road.

Patricia Wright opened Dollar n’ More at 7601 Sunrise Blvd. on Dec. 22, just three days before Christmas.

“It’s something that I’ve always wanted to do,” Wright, who has a background in legal, financial, healthcare and trucking services, told The Sentinel in an interview Wednesday. “I’ve always wanted to be my own person where I can help. I thought that having a dollar store instead of a trucking business is something that can reach the community.”

The business owner says she researched several areas including Roseville and Rocklin before settling on Citrus Heights to open her business. She says the city has been supportive throughout the months-long process she began last October.

Eventually, Wright says she wants to expand the store’s footprint and offer some grocery staples, such as milk and bread and accept EBT cards.

The store offers a variety of merchandise, from home goods and personal care items, to small tools.

Being part of the shopping center has helped Wright’s business, she says, and in return she offers a discount to employees from neighboring businesses. The plaza is also home to a coffee shop, donut store, tattoo shop, and laundromat, among other businesses. Wright says she used the printer just a few doors down for her signs and banners.

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