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Stones Casino recognizes WEAVE exec with community award

Beth Hassett, CEO of WEAVE, stands next to Citrus Heights City Manager Ash Feeney and Stones Partner Kermit Schayltz, along with the police chief and two former officials, to receive an award on Dec. 14, 2022. // M. Hazlip

By Mike Hazlip—
The CEO of Women Escaping A Violent Environment (WEAVE) was recognized with a Stones Gambling Hall “21 Award” during a Dec. 14 ceremony.

WEAVE CEO Beth Hassett accepted the award for her efforts in working with the Citrus Heights Police Department to help women and children who are in abusive relationships. Hassett has fostered a partnership with Citrus Heights police for about five years, she said in an interview with The Sentinel at the event.

Through Hassett’s efforts, an advocate works with police when they respond to calls for service in the community. The advocate follows up on domestic violence sexual assault, and sex trafficking calls, Hassett said.

Over the past five years, WEAVE has provided support to over 1,000 victims while working with Citrus Heights police. That includes 885 victims of domestic violence, 134 victims of sexual assault, and seven victims of sex trafficking, according to a resolution read at the ceremony.

“It’s a critical program,” Hassett said. “And not every law enforcement entity is even open to such an arrangement because it’s really a melding of two different kinds of cultures. You’ve got that law enforcement culture and you got victim services, trauma informed services, which sometimes don’t always work well together.”

Hassett said WEAVE’s relationship with Citrus Heights police has been a positive one for victims.

“The important thing about that is that there’s this window of time, especially with domestic violence, where if the victim gets help, while the perpetrators in jail and they’re separated, they’re much more likely to accept that help and to make choices where they can move out of an abusive and dangerous relationship.”

Hassett said domestic violence incidents are typically the top call for service among any law enforcement agency. She defined domestic violence as violence between intimate partners, both married and dating. It often includes children who are impacted.

Citrus Heights Police Chief Alex Turcotte presented the award, saying WEAVE advocates are an integral part of the Police Department.

“On behalf of the Police Department, we would not be able to provide the service that we do without our partnership with WEAVE,” Turcotte said, calling the partnership a unique grassroots effort. “Our advocates not only working with the Police Department, but actually embedded in the station and going out to scenes with us. That wraparound service to immediately put a victim of one of these crimes together with their advocate and get there, get them hooked to resources has really cut that cycle down.”

Kermit Schayltz, one of several partners that own Stones, said Hassett was chosen for the seventh annual award based on her long history of helping people in the community. Other recipients have included Sunrise MarketPlace Executive Director Kathilynn Carpenter and former City Councilwoman Jeannie Bruins.

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