Updated 5:52 p.m., Dec. 6th–
Sentinel staff report– The Citrus Heights City Council will meet this Thursday to select a new mayor, install newly elected council members, recognize two retiring members and consider applying for a $10 million grant related to plans for Sunrise Mall.
A summary of key items on the 175-page agenda packet for the Dec. 8 meeting of the City Council is included below:
Recognition. The council meeting will kick off with formal recognition of councilmembers Jeannie Bruins and Steve Miller, who are both retiring. The meeting will be their last time in office, as they pass their seats on to the winners of the Nov. 8 election. The council will also recognize one or more city employees for their service.
Swearing in. The council will swear in newly elected council members, following a final vote report to be issued Wednesday by county elections officials. Results are slated to be approved by formal resolution by the City Council. Councilmembers will also select a new mayor and vice mayor from among their ranks to serve one-year terms.
Development Report. The council will consider accepting and filing a required annual report listing account balances in the city’s four development impact fees, which are imposed on new construction to go towards funding public improvements and services. A staff report shows the city’s Roadway Impact Fee had a total of $617,719 as of June 30, 2022, the Low Income Housing Impact Fee had $378,668, the Park Facilities Impact Fee had $222,708 and the Transit Impact Fee had $183,988, all of which had largely been collected in the past five years.
Sunrise Mall. The council will consider a recommendation from staff to allocate $160,000 in “Green Means Go” grant money and $40,000 from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to go towards infrastructure planning associated with redevelopment plans at Sunrise Mall. A staff report proposes allocating $52,500 to go towards Kosmont Companies for creating an implementable Infrastructure Financing Strategy for the mall, with the remaining $148,000 going toward related engineering planning.
$10M grant. Plans to apply for a grant up to $10 million from the state’s Department of Housing and Community Development will be considered by the City Council, with funds planned for infrastructure related to redevelopment plans for Sunrise Mall. Funds would come from HCD’s Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) Higher Impact Transformative Allocation grant, with $1 million in matching funds proposed to come from the city’s ARPA funds. REAP funds are only made available to projects that meet the state’s “housing and equity goals, reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Per Capital, and advance implementation of the region’s Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS).”
The council will also consider approving a staff recommendation to submit an application for Citrus Heights to again be considered for a Tree City USA Community by the National Arbor Day Foundation, as well as consider submitting a claim to receive $193,215 in Transportation Development Act funds to go towards bicycle and pedestrian projects.
Public comments for the council meeting can be submitted to cityclerk@citrusheights.net, with up to 250 words, or emailed directly to the City Council as a whole at citycouncil@citrusheights.net. Comments sent to the clerk will be read aloud during the meeting.
The council’s Dec. 8, 2022, meeting agenda packet can be viewed in full online, with links for the Zoom meeting included in the packet. (click here)