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Here’s the 24 objectives Citrus Heights is pursuing over next 6 months

Sentinel staff report–
During the Nov. 10 council meeting last month, city leaders formally adopted 24 objectives to accomplish over the next six months, ranging from planning for Sunrise Mall to special enforcement targeting chronic criminals.

The objectives were discussed during a Strategic Planning session held on Oct. 25 at City Hall. Objectives stem from the city’s set of five three-year goals, which include maintaining and enhancing fiscal stability, maintaining public infrastructure and enhancing alternative modes of transportation, diversifying for a resilient economy, sustaining and preserving public safety, and enhancing community vibrancy and engagement.

The city’s twice-a-year strategic planning meetings are a time when key leaders gather to brainstorm, set objectives, and assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

The following list of objectives is taken directly from the city’s latest six-month plan, with each objective falling under one of the city’s five three-year goals. A target date for each objective is also listed:

Maintain and Enhance Fiscal Stability:

  • Jan. 26: Present to the City Council an update of the 44 housing-related bills passed in 2022 and anticipated impacts to Planning/Housing processes/regulations required to comply with additional unfunded mandates.
  • Feb. 23: Pending City Council approval, select consultant to begin creation of a comprehensive grants strategy.
  • March 9: Present to the City Council a Purchase and Sale Agreement and Funding Plan for the redevelopment of the Sayonara properties.
  • By May: Prepare and develop the City’s 2 – Year Budget FY 23-24 & FY 24-25 to present to City Council in forms of a workshop and 2×2’s with final presentation in May 2023.
  • By May 1: Continue to support an environment that makes Citrus Heights a great place to work. Develop a series of approaches that encourages retention and staffing satisfaction as well as enhancing recruitment. Deliver a report to the City Manager with identified opportunities to expand staff bandwidth by leveraging innovative programs such as internships, work-study, and similar approaches.

Maintain Public Infrastructure and Enhance Alternative Modes of Transportation:

  • March 23. Develop a long-term pavement restoration plan to include 3-5 year schedule of streets proposed for resurfacing consistent with City Council direction for prioritized focus
    on streets with higher traffic volumes.
  • April 27: Present to City Council for consideration soundwall locations recommended for repainting; make recommendations on funding source and seek authorization to release an RFP.
  • April 27: Present to City Council an inventory, cost estimates and replacement cycle of faded signs, including street name and place making signs for discussion and future budget
  • May 1: Present to City Manager for budget consideration cost estimates and strategies for refurbishment of traffic delineation, crosswalks and stop legends with prioritization on areas that are most deteriorated irrespective of pavement status.

Diversity for a Resilient Economy:

  • Dec. 8: Present a Professional Services Contract for Sunrise Tomorrow Plan Infrastructure Financing Strategies support for the Council’s consideration.
  • Feb. 23: Present to City Council program guidelines and recommendations Develop a grant program utilizing ARPA funding that advances economic development goals of
    effectively attracting and retaining target businesses and industries.
  • Feb. 23: Present to City Council program guidelines and recommendations to establish a fund that would be designated for low-interest loans for existing businesses.

Preserve and Enhance Public Safety:

  • By Jan. 19: Conduct a retention study with current Police Department staff and staff that have voluntarily left the organization and will present a minimum of two recommendations for enhanced recruitment and retention to the City Manager.
  • Jan. 26: Present to City Council for discussion and direction on issues related to commercial vehicle parking on city streets.
  • By Feb. 16: Analyze community needs related to youth enrichment and safety and present a minimum of three options to the City Manager for consideration of a presentation to City Council.
  • By March 30: Staff to visit a minimum of 30 business to educate managers on best practices related to business safety and nuisance abatement consistent with the Focused Area Work Plan.
  • By March 30: The Traffic Team will coordinate a minimum of one special traffic enforcement operation per month and will host at least one regional traffic enforcement operation with allied traffic teams within the City.
  • By March 30: The IMPACT team will coordinate a minimum of one special enforcement operation per month. These operations will focus on the apprehension of chronic criminal offenders or to mitigate a specific criminal issue impacting the City.

A staff report and full presentation of the city’s latest strategic goals is included in the Nov. 10, 2022 agenda packet. The packet also includes related goals through March 2024, which are part of the city manager’s Focus Area Work Plan, which is targeted at improving community image, economic development, community connection and infrastructure maintenance. (See packet)

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