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Citrus Heights police investigating second shooting over weekend

By Mike Hazlip—
Police are investigating a second shooting that occurred over the weekend, in an incident authorities say is unrelated to a fatal shooting that took place just hours before.

Citrus Heights Police Sgt. Anthony Boehle said officers responded to reports of a scream and a gunshot in 7800 block of Lichen Drive near Antelope Road on Nov. 12, just before 3:30 a.m. Boehle said police found one individual with a gunshot wound to the leg. Police have not released the age of the male individual.

The person was transported to a local hospital, and police say they do not have any suspects at this time, although the investigation is ongoing.

Police are asking anyone with information about the shooting to call the Citrus Heights Police Department at (916) 727-5500, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-AA-CRIME.

Another shooting occurred around 8 p.m. Friday night on the 7700 block of Antelope Road, where police found a man dead at the scene.

See story: Friday-night shooting in Citrus Heights leaves one dead

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