Sentinel staff report–
Those interested in watching the vote counting process in Sacramento County are able to so in person at any time, or watch online via a live-stream video feed.
The Sacramento County Voter Registration and Elections website has guidelines regarding check-in procedures and rules for election observers, which includes signing in and wearing an “Election Observer Badge.”
Guidelines say anyone wishing to observe the process is “strongly recommended” to contact the Sacramento County Registrar of Voters in advance by emailing Voters-CampaignServices@saccounty.net or calling (916) 875-6451. Observers will need to follow guidelines posted on the registrar’s website, which include certain restrictions on photography. Prior masking requirements during the pandemic appear to have been dropped.
The address for the elections office where votes are counted and observers can watch the process is 7000 65th Street, in south Sacramento.
Courtney Bailey-Kanelos, who serves as the Sacramento County Registrar of Voters, told The Sentinel previously during the 2020 election that 10-15 observers dropped by each day to watch the vote counting process. Although observers are typically affiliated with a campaign, she said any member of the public is welcome to observe.
During prior elections Sentinel staff have visited the elections office and were given access as observers to see ballot scanning, signature verification, opening of sealed ballots, and manual review of the ballots. Bailey-Kanelos said all members of the public would also be given the same access.
To see guidelines for election observers, visit elections.saccounty.net, or click here to view the 24/7 live video feed.