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Citrus Heights man arrested in Placer County burglary

Sentinel staff report–
The Placer County Sheriff’s Office said Thursday that a 49-year-old man from Citrus Heights was arrested for first-degree burglary, after several residents arrived home and called 911 upon hearing people inside.

In an Oct. 27 social media post, the sheriff’s office said authorities had received a call on Oct. 13 around 5 p.m., regarding a burglary in progress on Sierra College Boulevard. While deputies were traveling to the residence, an off-duty sheriff’s detective on his way home “spotted a male in a nearby field and detained him,” the sheriff’s office said.

The suspect was found to have a knife hidden in his right sock and was identified as Brent Stander, of Citrus Heights. Deputies arriving at the home also found a 32-year-old suspect in the master bedroom, identified as Caitlin Cokosky of Carmichael.

A subsequent investigation found counterfeit hundred-dollar bills, methamphetamine, a meth pipe, and “four false cashier’s checks made out to Caitlin totaling over $12,000.”

Both suspects were arrested on first-degree burglary charges. Cokosky’s charges also include making fictitious checks, identity theft, and possession of a controlled substance and paraphernalia.

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