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‘Ghost Tour’ taking place at Mesa Verde HS just in time for Halloween

File photo, Mesa Verde High School. // CH Sentinel

By Sara Beth Williams–
Mesa Verde High School’s drama department will be hosting their second annual “Ghost Tour” on Oct. 20, 21 and 22, just in time for Halloween. The tour will feature student performers as ghosts and tour guides on Thursday and Friday night, and alumni performers on Saturday night.

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Deni Scofield, theatre director at Mesa Verde, said in an interview that she was inspired to put together a ghost tour show after participating in a similar production in New Orleans a few years ago.

“Everyone had a great time,” Scofield said, adding that it was fun listening to all of the “ghosts” tell stories.

The cast of ghosts and tour guides has doubled this year, Scofield said. All the stories told by the ghosts are based on real stories from real people. Each tour will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center located on Mesa Verde High School’s campus.

The theatre program at Mesa Verde is completely dependent on ticket sales from productions and all ticket sales will directly support the theater department. Tickets are $5 at the door.

Mesa Verde High School is located at 7501 Carriage Drive, in Citrus Heights.

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