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Meet Albert Fox, candidate for Citrus Heights Council District 4

Note: As part of The Sentinel’s 2022 coverage of local elections, we have asked a series of seven identical questions to each of the candidates running for a seat on the Citrus Heights City Council. The questions are designed to give each of the candidates an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community and give voters an opportunity to learn more about each candidate’s life and background. Candidates replied via email, and those who responded to each question in less than 100 words have their answers published word-for-word.

Albert Fox, District 4

Al Fox
Albert Fox

Why are you running for City Council? We are in an important transition time for our city government. We have a new City Manager, two seats on the council have no incumbent running in this election and we have new district rather than at-large geographical areas to consider. District 4 has the largest available residential, business and commercial development opportunities outside the Sunrise Market Place. I have been a strong presence in the district, I know many of our residents and business owners and I have 30 years of proven leadership skills in government, education and business.

What are two aspects you like most about living in Citrus Heights?

First, I enjoy the centralized location between shopping, dining and entertainment. Two hours drive from mountain resorts to coastal beaches.

Second, we have the most cost-effective housing market in the region and the potential of residential developments to accommodate a wide range of single and multi-family homes in at all price levels. Young families can afford to live and grow here.

What are the top two things you’d like to change/improve in Citrus Heights, if any?

First, continue to support the rebuilding of our local economy, Sunrise mall properties redevelopment and Auburn Blvd. improvements are central to that growth.

Second, capitalize on the new SJUSD District designation that provides us a seat at the table for the first time in 20 years. Citrus Heights will now have our own district trustee on the board as well as having the ability to build strong relationship with the trustees from Areas 4 and 5 that each have a small portion of our city. Our schools deserve far better representation than we have experienced in the past.

What are two books that have had the most influence on your life, and why/how?

The Bible. I find it a great text on human history, human behavior and psychology of interpersonal relationships. Many of our legal precedents are based upon the same principles that existed in ancient times.

Becoming The City of Citrus Heights, by Miranda Culp, in collaboration with Bill Van Duker. Reading the political drama, the oppositions back room dealings and the strength of determination by those who founded our city, it is hard not to be reminded of the ‘Can Do” spirit upon which much of our country was founded.

What are three key principles that would guide your votes on the council?

Honesty, Integrity, and what is best for our community.

What kind of volunteer work have you done for charities, churches or service organizations in the community?

Member of Rotary of Citrus Heights, working on projects including the Little Neighborhood Libraries, The Rotary Club Crab Feed. Member of the Citrus Heights Police Foundation. Heights Church Project Coordinator Outreach to Schools, I worked with all 12 school campuses in Citrus Heights providing more than 600 headset/microphone units to first, second and third grade students for use during remote leaning campus closures. Provided 600 McDonald $5 Arch Cards for student performance incentive gifts. Provided 80 Samsung E-Tablets for use in the student libraries of San Juan and Mesa Verde and Sylvan Middle School.

City Council members are paid a small monthly stipend of $600 for their service. If elected, how do you plan to balance work life elsewhere with council responsibilities?

I am retired and spend much of my time in local volunteer efforts. I found in my prior two years on the city council that I am able to focus upon council related duties and responsibilities without the limitations created by full- time employment.

Key Endorsements:
• Citrus Heights Chamber of Commerce
• Jack Duncan, Retired Business owner and Planning Commissioner
• Steve Miller, Council Member and former Mayor

Key Donors:
• Citrus Heights Chamber PAC
• Jack Duncan

Campaign website:

*Editor’s note: Manuel Salazar and Jayna Karpinski-Costa are also running for District 4. To read more about each candidate, see article: Election 2022: Who’s running for Citrus Heights City Council?

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