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Bogart Film Festival to be held locally at Theatre in the Heights

Theatre in the Heights is located at 8215 Auburn Blvd., in Citrus Heights. // S. Williams

By Sara Beth Williams–
Theatre in the Heights will host its fifth annual Bogart Film Festival from Oct. 7-9 at their location at 8215 Auburn Blvd.

Admission is free, and there are no reservations required, according to the theatre’s website. Seating will be first-come, first-serve, and popcorn and drinks will be provided.

Multiple Humphrey Bogart films will be aired during the event. Theatre President Blake Flores said in an interview with The Sentinel that the most popular movie is typically Casablanca, which will air on Saturday night.

The Bogart Film Festival was once held annually in Key Largo, Florida, but was discontinued in 2017. Flores said he and his business partner attended the festival in Key Largo annually and both were “really sad” when the festival was canceled indefinitely. That’s when he decided to put on a local Bogart Film Festival at Theatre in the Heights free of charge, five years ago.

“It’s nice to get to know your patrons, have some drinks, enjoy some snacks and have a good time,” Flores said.

The theatre president said audience turnout in the past has depended on popularity of the movies being aired, and the theatre tries to offer a variety of Bogart films, not just the most popular titles.

A list of films, film summaries and showtimes are available on the theatre’s website.

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