Letter by Mark Mitchell, Citrus Heights–
[RE: Sept. 11 memorial event to be held at Sylvan Cemetery] I’d like to send out a special thank you to Jim Monteton, the organizer of the 9/11 Memorial event. The short ceremony only lasted about 30 minutes, but in that short period of time, everyone in attendance was able to honor the 2,977 lives taken on that tragic day.
It started with the Pledge of Allegiance. Then it was The National Anthem and God Bless America, which were led by a guest singer.
County Supervisor Sue Frost got up for a short speech and brought tears to many eyes. We got to hear the bag pipe player warm up before he developed a leak and couldn’t continue. There was also CHPD, who had two patrol officers, one sergeant, and a lieutenant who spoke, in attendance.
The grand finale was the bugle melody Taps, played over the cemetery loudspeaker, in honor of innocent victims of 9/11/01, and the 1,400 veterans buried in our beautiful Sylvan Cemetery.
God Bless America,
Mark Mitchell
Editor’s Note: In the interest of serving as a community forum for discussion, The Sentinel’s policy is to publish all letters received, regardless of viewpoint. No additional letters were received on this topic as of Sept. 21st. To submit a letter to the editor online, click here.