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Sept. 11 memorial event to be held at Sylvan Cemetery

By Mike Hazlip—
Sylvan Cemetery will hold its fourth annual Sept. 11 memorial event this Sunday, in remembrance of those who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Event organizer and Sylvan Cemetery chairman of the board of trustees, Jim Monteton, said the half-hour event will begin at 8:15 a.m. Sunday morning and conclude at 8:45 a.m. As in previous years, the memorial will be held in the gazebo near the center of the cemetery.

Monteton said he will be adding a bag pipe player for the first time. Supervisor Sue Frost plans to attend the event, according to Monteton, who also invited city council members and community leaders.

Representatives from the Citrus Heights Police Department have attended in previous years, and Monteton said he has invited officers to attend this year. Officials from local fire departments were also invited, but Monteton said crews are typically too busy during fire season to attend.

“We keep saying don’t forget, we must remember,” Monteton said. “(But) then it seems like it gets pushed out of sight.”

Sylvan Cemetery is located at 7401 Auburn Blvd., and is known for holding annual ceremonies each Veterans Day and Memorial Day. The cemetery first began its 9/11 memorial events in 2019.

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