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Citrus Heights high school teams to face off this Friday in ‘Citrus Bowl’ rivalry

By Sara Beth Williams–
San Juan High School and Mesa Verde High School football teams are scheduled to face each other on the field this Friday in the annual Citrus Bowl.

For decades, San Juan High was the only high school in Citrus Heights. Then Mesa Verde opened in 1970s, and with the advent of their first varsity football team in the 1978/1979 season, an intra-city rivalry was born.

The extreme heat for the last two weeks has been a major concern, not just for Mesa Verde and San Juan football programs, but for all sports programs throughout the city.

David Levis, San Juan High School principal, and Freddie Bryant, San Juan High School athletic director are taking the high heat seriously and informed The Sentinel that kickoff for the Citrus Bowl will be delayed until 8 p.m., when temperatures are expected to be lower. However, if the temperature does not drop below 104 degrees, the game will be postponed to a later date altogether.

Regardless of when the two teams go head-to-head, Mesa Verde Head Coach Leonard Casillas said the game should be a competitive one.

“We feel great,” Casillas said, adding that they’ve been practicing in the gym.

The San Juan High School head coach could not be reached for comment prior to publication.

The two teams face each other every year to compete for the Citrus Bowl trophy, which is awarded by the Citrus Heights Rotary Club, and the winner keeps it until the next time they meet.

The Citrus Bowl is scheduled to take place on Friday, Sept. 9 at 8 p.m. at San Juan High School. According to the high school’s Facebook page, ticket prices are $8 for general, $6 for students with school ID, and $6 for senior citizens.

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