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Citrus Heights News Briefs: strategic planning, 2.9-mile trail, obituary

Chamber Executive Director Diane Ebbitt-Riehle delivers a check to a representative from Sunrise Rollerland. // Image credit: Chamber

Latest local news briefs include relief grants being issued by the Chamber of Commerce, an update on the city’s 2.9-mile trail project, the passing of another longtime resident of Citrus Heights, and an upcoming city strategic planning workshop.

Citrus Heights Chamber gives away $9k in support grants to area businesses
The Citrus Heights Chamber of Commerce has so far given away $9,000 in COVID relief grants to area businesses, using funds raised during a concert held earlier this year. The Chamber’s executive director, Diane Ebbitt-Riehle, said those interested in receiving an application can send an email to

Planning phase of new Citrus Heights trail now exceeds $1 million
Citrus Heights City Council members voted 4-0 earlier this month approved another contract amendment with GHD, Inc., raising the total “not-to-exceed” contract for the planning phase of a 2.9-mile trail to be constructed in Citrus Heights. The total price of the trail is expected to be more than $7 million, and is largely funded by grants. The Arcade-Cripple Creek Trail was initially expected to begin construction this year, but that timeline has been pushed into 2022.  See prior story for more: Planning phase for new 2.9-mile trail in Citrus Heights nears $1M cost

City to hold strategic planning workshop this Tuesday
Citrus Heights City Council members and key city staff will hold their semi-annual strategic planning meeting on Sept. 21, according to an agenda posted online. The meetings are typically held twice a year, with city leaders setting new six-month objectives. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will be entirely virtual, with the public invited to attend by phone. (See agenda)

Obituary: Mark Cowden (1941-2021)
Longtime Citrus Heights resident Mark Wesley Cowden passed away on Aug. 28, according to an obituary published Sept. 19 in the Sacramento Bee. He was born in Albany, California, and later received degrees from San Francisco State and UC Davis, along with a PhD from Roswell Park Memorial Institute in New York. He was predeceased by his wife, Rachel, and is survived by his two sons. (See full obituary)

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