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Homeowner arrested on arson charges after early morning fire in Citrus Heights

William Luna
William Luna stands in front of a home on Locher Way which burned during a fire on Aug. 3, 2021

By Mike Hazlip—
An early morning fire gutted a home on Locher Way in Citrus Heights on Tuesday leading to the arrest of the homeowner on arson charges — although her fiancé claims it was an accident.

Emergency personnel responded to the home at about 2:30 a.m. Tuesday and found “heavy fire conditions throughout the structure” according to a news release by Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District.

No injuries were reported, and authorities arrested Justina Daggett on two arson-related charges.

Although Metro Fire’s statement did not include details on how the fire originated, Daggett’s fiancé, William Luna, told The Sentinel the incident was an accident. A visibly distraught Luna said in an interview following the incident that he had been at home with Daggett when the fire broke out.

He said Daggett accidentally knocked over a gasoline can on their back patio near an open sliding door. The gasoline spilled into the home and was ignited by a cigarette ember, he said.

Luna said he and Daggett were able to get out with their dog, and no one was injured. The couple lost their cat in the fire, however. Daggett’s two children were not home at the time according to Luna.

“She was scared to come through the living room because we were separated by the fire that started in the living room, the main area,” Luna said. “She ended up getting out the back, but I got the dog secured so he wouldn’t run off.”

Citrus Heights Animal Control and Code Enforcement were present at the home Tuesday as Luna surveyed the damage.

“They absolutely did such a good job, they did the best they could, but my house is gone,” he said.

Metro Fire identified Daggett as the “homeowner and suspect.” She is charged with “arson that causes an inhabited structure or inhabited property to burn,” as well as having “intent to willfully and maliciously” use a flammable substance “to set fire to or burn any structure.”

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