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Cancelled: City reschedules public hearing for new church building on Auburn Blvd.

Pioneer Baptist Church has proposed construction of a new building on a 3-acre lot on Auburn Boulevard. // Image source:

Updated 1:11 p.m., July 15th–
A planned public hearing for a proposed 34,000-square-foot church building on Auburn Boulevard was abruptly cancelled Wednesday, after a city spokeswoman said an error in a legal notice advertising the meeting was discovered.

Nichole Baxter, the city’s communications officer, told The Sentinel in an email Thursday that the hearing was cancelled “out of an abundance of caution” and has been rescheduled for July 28. She did not specify what the error was, but a Sentinel review of agendas posted found the time of the meeting was not listed on the initial agenda. Amended versions of the agenda subsequently uploaded to the city website added the time.

Original story:
By Mike Hazlip— The Citrus Heights Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, as plans continue to move forward for Pioneer Baptist Church to construct a 34,000-square-foot facility on several vacant acres of land on Auburn Boulevard, across the street from Rusch Park.

A Planning Commission agenda released Friday shows the city’s Planning Department is recommending approval of a use permit and design review permit with some conditions. The 309-page document details the proposed construction and potential uses of the new facility and surrounding 3.88 acres.

The document shows planned activities inside the two-story church building include worship services, day care facilities, a multi-purpose gym, and offices. The site includes a total of three parcels, with Cripple Creek running through the property.

Related: Proposed future church site in Citrus Heights has not-so-holy past

Wednesday’s hearing will mark a significant milestone in a process that began with the purchase of the site three years ago.

Pastor Kyle Conley told The Sentinel previously he hopes the new building will be a “beacon of hope” for the community. His congregation currently holds worship services at 7600 Old Auburn Rd., but is outgrowing the 100-year-old historic building.

The Planning Department’s report concludes the planned facility is compatible with both the city’s General Plan and the Auburn Boulevard Specific Plan.

Proposed site layout

The size and type of facility requires a minimum of 108 parking spaces, according to zoning code. The current site plan provides 111 spaces, with little room to expand.

“It should be noted that although the site is meeting the minimum parking standard, the site does not provide opportunity to increase parking should the congregation growth continue or parking issues arise,” the report says. A condition is proposed to require the church to submit a plan to address the issue if future parking needs become a problem.

A traffic impact report by the consultant group Kimley Horn estimates the new building will generate about 900 new Sunday trips in the area and recommends roadway improvements that will facilitate the traffic flow in and out of the parking areas. Among the recommendations is widening the intersection of Auburn Boulevard and Grand Oaks to allow vehicles to make a U-turn.

In addition to traffic impacts, the report details required setbacks from Cripple Creek to accommodate a 100-year flood event. Although a portion of the parking lot encroaches on the setbacks, the report concluded that the encroachment is acceptable because of the limited size and shape of the property.

Environmental studies and noise level documentation are also included in the report. In total, the reports lists 62 general conditions that cover issues such as environmental impact, utilities, traffic management, and street lighting, among others.

Although the property straddles Cripple Creek, the report concludes the environmental impact will be minimal because the site is considered infill. A total of 21 trees at the site are proposed for removal, and the report address measures to minimize the potential impact to bird and wildlife species.

The upcoming public hearing regarding the church building proposal will be held at City Hall on July 14, beginning at 7 p.m. A full agenda packet can be viewed online by clicking here.

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