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School board hosting series of public meetings on proposed SJUSD election changes

Scenario 4 of a draft map published by the San Juan Unified School District shows a seven-trustee area map.

By Mike Hazlip–
The San Juan Unified School District will hold a series of meetings beginning July 13 to discuss the proposed trustee area maps that would create electoral areas in the district and ensure representation on the board from each area of the district.

The July 13 meeting is a public hearing to review eight map options released for public review last week. That meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. at 3738 Walnut Avenue, in Carmichael.

Additional community meetings are scheduled to be held at 6:30 p.m. on July 14 and 15 at Dyer-Kelly Elementary School, Casa Roble Fundamental High School, and Mira Loma High School, according to the district calendar. Specific meeting locations for each school are posted on the district’s website. An online option is also available.

On July 6, the school district published eight draft maps that outline proposed trustee areas within the district.

Four of the maps outline a five-trustee area model, and another four maps outline a seven-trustee area concept. The Sentinel previously reported the Citrus Heights City Council voted to support the move toward trustee area elections, and favors dividing the school district into seven trustee areas to enable more communities to “identify, support and elect natural leaders from their own neighborhoods.”

Citrus Heights currently does not have any residents serving as trustees on the San Juan Unified School Board, and has reportedly not had a member on the board for nearly two decades. If approved, the five-trustee area concept would likely give Citrus Heights one seat on the board, while the seven-area option would likely give the city two seats, although none of the maps follow Citrus Heights boundaries exactly.

A resolution asking the Sacramento County Office of Education to approve the trustee area boundaries isn’t expected until a July 27 meeting with final approval by August 10 of this year.

See prior story for more: Citrus Heights could gain two seats on school board, new draft maps show

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