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Citrus Heights News Briefs: fire, redistricting, trail project

A portable toilet erupted in flames Friday at Brooktree Park in Citrus Heights. // M. Hazlip

Latest news briefs include flames engulfing a portable toilet in a local park, a federal infrastructure bill including earmarked funds for a trail project in Citrus Heights, and a public workshop on redistricting.

Portable toilet goes up in flames at Citrus Heights park
A portable toilet could be seen fully engulfed in flames Friday afternoon at Brooktree Park, sending a plume of black smoke into the air. Fire crews extinguished the flames minutes after arriving, but the plastic structure was destroyed. A coach said the toilet had been delivered to the park in preparation for Northridge Little League games scheduled for the following day.

Sacramento County to hold virtual public workshop on redistricting
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will hold a virtual public workshop on the topic of redrawing its electoral district boundaries on June 21 and 23. Redistricting occurs every 10 years following an updated headcount from the U.S. Census, with various federal, state and local political bodies each updating boundaries to reflect the changing population. A schedule of the county’s upcoming meetings and links to live hearings are posted here. Information on redistricting at the state level are posted here, with the next meeting slated for June 25.

Citrus Heights trail project earmarked in federal infrastructure bill
The Sacramento Bee reported Wednesday that a $547 billion infrastructure bill being floated in the U.S. House of Representatives has billions in funds earmarked for projects in California, including the Arcade-Cripple Creek Trail project. The 2.9-mile trail is expected to begin construction later this year and will travel from Wachtel Way to the Sunrise MarketPlace. (Read more)

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