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Citrus Heights News Briefs: local economy, Jazzercise, obituary

Latest local news briefs include the city’s economic development manager scheduled to give an update at a neighborhood meeting, a local Jazzercise group continuing classes outdoors throughout the pandemic, and an obituary of a 98-year-old former resident of Citrus Heights.

City’s economic development manager to speak at neighborhood meeting
Meghan Huber, the city’s economic development and communications manager, is on schedule to speak at the CHASEN neighborhood association this Tuesday at 7 p.m. CHASEN stands for Citrus Heights Area Seven-Eight-Nine, with a unanimous vote being held last month to merge area seven-eight with area nine. The April 20 meeting is open to the public and will be held at Antelope Christian Fellowship, at 7951 Antelope Rd.

Local Jazzercise group continues classes outdoors throughout pandemic
Good Day Sacramento featured a local Jazzercise group in Citrus Heights which has continued to meet throughout the pandemic, opting to mask up and take its musical exercise classes outdoors at Rusch Park. (Watch 4-minute segment)

Obituary: Bessie (DeVille) Watson (1922-2021)
Bessie Watson, a former resident of Citrus Heights, passed away on March 19, 2021. A graveyard service will be held at Sylvan Cemetery on April 28, at 12:45 p.m., according to an obituary published in the Auburn Journal this month. She leaves behind three children, 10 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. (Read full obituary)

News briefs are published each Sunday in The Sentinel’s Weekend e-Edition: Click here to sign up free.

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