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The Civic Minute: what’s happening at Citrus Heights City Hall?

Citrus Heights City Council members will hold a special study session regarding budget matters Thursday evening, followed by a regular council meeting where Congressman Ami Bera will give a presentation on the latest round of COVID-19 relief.

The council’s April 8 agenda packet is relatively short, with only several items to discuss. A summary of what’s included in the 21-page agenda packet is listed below:

Budget discussion. The council will hold a special meeting at 5 p.m. to review and discuss the current fiscal year as well as the city’s draft 2022-23 annual budget. The meeting will be held via Zoom and will be open to the public. (See Zoom link)

Presentations. The council’s regular meeting will also be held via Zoom, beginning at 7 p.m. (see link) Congressman Ami Bera is slated to provide the council will a presentation on the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, followed by a presentation from Gary Goodman, relating to the Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District.

Also on The Sentinel: How much will Citrus Heights get from the latest federal stimulus bill?

Creek trail funding. The City Council will consider approving a staff request to enter an agreement with the Sunrise Recreation and Park District related to California State Parks grant funding of $230,891 for building a portion of the Arcade Cripple Creek Trail in Tempo Park. The trail is a 2.9-mile project in the north-eastern area of the city that connects several area parks. Related: City releases new map, Q&A about 2.9-mile Citrus Heights trail project

Public comments for Thursday’s meeting can be submitted to, with up to 250 words. Those interested in joining the council meeting via Zoom can find links posted in the council’s agenda packet. (click here)

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