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City encouraging ‘random acts of clean-up’ for Citrus Heights creeks

File photo, Cripple Creek at Rusch Park in Citrus Heights. // CH Sentinel

Sentinel staff report–
With organized annual “Creek Week” clean-ups once again cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions, the City of Citrus Heights is instead encouraging “random acts of clean-up” to remove trash from area creeks.

Just like the random acts of kindness that we’ve seen countless times in Citrus Heights (especially during COVID), we want to celebrate those who choose to clean up our creeks and neighborhoods,” the city said in a post on its website Wednesday.

Residents are encouraged to plan their own clean-ups in their neighborhood or any of the various creeks in the city. Creek banks are advised to be avoided during rains, for safety.

Related: Citrus Heights teen spends birthday helping clean creek

Those with larger amounts of trash collected can arrange for pickup by contacting the city’s General Services division at

Creek Week is traditionally organized each year in April by the Sacramento Area Creeks Council, involving groups of volunteers going to different creeks throughout Citrus Heights and Sacramento County to clean up any plastics or garbage in the area.

The council reports several thousand pounds of garbage have been collected each year, during its prior cleanups.

Those interested in learning more about Creek Week can visit

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